
Road & Hidhways Construction 

Predictable, cost-effective, and high-performance solutions

From major highways to heavy-duty haul roads, TP-GEO geogrid technology and asphalt reinforcement technology are proven solutions that decrease material costs, increase pavement life, and reduce maintenance and rehabilitation.

Geogrids are commonly used to stabilized poor soils during siteworkIn pavement structures, TP-GEO geogrids create a “snowshoe effect”over the underlying subgrade by locking aggregate particles more efficiently during compaction, stiffening granular materials and reducing subgrade stress.Asphalt interlayers provide the function of reinforcement, waterproofing, and/or reflective crack mitigation to extend maintenance intervals. 

Geogrids result in more resilient roadways that withstand not only everyday use, but also severe weather events and the increasing impact of challenging environmental conditions.

Flexible Pavement Roads

Flexible pavement structures often fail prematurely because of progressive lateral and vertical displacement and a weakening of the aggregate base course. Tensar geogrid improves the overall stiffness of paved structures that support traffic by confining and interlocking with aggregate to create a mechanically stabilized layer (MSL).This leads to enhanced performance by minimizing maintenance and rehabilitation intervals common to flexible pavements.By decreasing aggregate fill requirements, additional truck deliveries are avoided, resulting in a more resilient solution with a smaller carbon footprint.

In addition, reflective cracking is one of the largest contributors to flexible pavement deterioration. Hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement reinforcement can be installed to become the hidden strength in the road or other paved surfaces. Since a stiff tensile element is at the bottom of an overlay, pavement performance is drastically improved and ultimately maintenance and life cycle costs are reduced.

Rigid Pavement Roads

Geogrids can help you build stronger, longer-lasting rigid pavements.   Building a rigid pavement structure with a geogrid layer will reduce deformation better than extremely thick aggregate base sections. This enhanced pavement design creates a more uniform and resilient pavement structure.

Most long-term performance problems with concrete pavement are a result of poorly performing joints. Poor load transfer creates high slab stresses, which contribute heavily to distresses such as faulting, pumping, and corner breaks. Geogrids interlock with and confine the aggregate base, resulting in less deformation during construction as well as throughout the pavement’s life. The confinement also reduces the potential for contamination of the aggregate base with the subgrade soil. The geogrid and aggregate base together create a mechanically stabilized layer (MSL), which minimizes potential for the differential movements of the concrete surface that initiate faulting and corner breaks.


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